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Taliban Facts - -


When the 'Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement' (Taliban) emerged at the beginning of 1995 and swept over most of the southern and eastern states of Afghanistan in the course of one year, many questions arose about the identity of the Movement, its objectives, the sides that support it and the reasons for its swift victories. With the development of events along with the fall of most of the Afghani states to the will of the Mujahideen and the domination of 90% of the Muslim Afghani land, the profile of the evolving Movement began to appear, especially after it took over the capital city, Kabul, and expelled from it the Shiite-Communist confederation. So, what are the facts behind this Movement and its objectives? How did it deal with Arab Mujahideen there? What are the dangers of the conspiracies that plans to domesticate it and attempts to change its path to conform with the interests of the regional and international powers, especially that of the United States and it's allies?

Eid Message Amir-ul-Mumineen Mullah Muhammad Omar - 2009
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan:: Message of Felicitation of Ameer al-Mu’mineen on the Occasion of ‘Eid al-Fitr'
    The Taliban Introduction
Are the Taliban from Ahl as-Sunnah? (new)
The Taliban and Women
Taliban's Achievements
Life Of Mullah Muhammad Umar
American Journalists Set the Story Straight on Afghanistan
U.N. drug control officers: Taliban has nearly wiped out opium production
Sex Abuse and Silence Exposed (new)
U.S.-led Forces in Afghanistan are Committing Atrocities, Lying, and Getting Away with It (new)
The Taliban, Education and Health Policy Toward Girls. (untold Truth)
American Journalists Set the Story Straight on Afghanistan
The Taliban and Shariah
British journalist Yvonne Ridley, Taliban captive tells her story and the conspiracy of western Intelligence Agencys to have her killed
The Taliban - Arab Mujahideen Relations
Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team
The Military Threat
The Planned Conspiracies
U.S. planned attack on Taleban before 11-9
Canadian Physician Describes Healthcare in Afghanistan
The Significance of the Taliban for the Muslim Ummah
The Taliban and Destruction of the Idols
Frequently Asked Questions about the Taliban
My 12 Days in Afghanistan
Afghan Journey: A Personal Account
An Afghanistan Quiz
US 'Kill Team' Targeted Afghan Civilians
Response of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan regarding a picture published by Time magazine
'Only the Taliban Are Not Corrupt' Interview with CIA Veteran Michael Scheuer

Afghan Mujahidin :

   Return of the Taliban Classic Guerrilla Warfare vs U.S. Power
700 Afghan Militia Troops Resign In Protest at U.S. Policies
Afghan Prisoners Beaten to Death at U.S. Military Interrogation Base
Afghan War Documentary Charges U.S. with Mass Killings of POWs !
Mullah Umar Nominates Maulvi Shahab Uddin Dilawar as his Vice
Intelligence Agencies Report Over 2700 U.S. Soldiers either Killed or Injured in Afghanistan
Report - Taliban names Anti-U.S. Leadership Council
Taliban's New Hierarchy Unveiled
Afghan Officials Confirm U.S. Role in Massacre of Taliban Prisoners
''Rahbar Shoora'' Set Up by Seven Former Taliban Leaders, Afghan Sources Report
Former Taliban Official Martyred in Clash with U.S. Soldiers
Leaflets Taliban Fighters Poised For Revenge
Mujahideen Training Camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan
Non-Pashtun Group, Gujar Taliban Declares Jihad against U.S.
Pro-Taliban Fliers call for Jihad Against U.S.
Report Anti-Karzai Pashtun Resistance In The Making
Taliban Asks Official Troops to Join Them
Taliban Commander Martyred in Battle
Taliban Volunteers Joining Resistance
Taliban, Al-Qaeda using Low Tech to Beat High Tech
Zionist Intelligence Network Established inside Afghanistan
Afghan Leaders In Secret Talks With The Taliban
U.S. Officials meet with The Taliban

Guantanamo Bay :

Statements / Interviews :

Taliban Mujahidin Multimedia :

Taliban Mujahidin Gallery  : #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.

Video's Jihad Afghanistan
Meet the Talibans - Exclusive

EXCLUSIVE -Talibans what they are Fighting For
To be continued..InshaAllah!!
Taliban says it will continue to fight

US military base under Taliban control
Taliban Fighters Display US Weapons - 10 Nov 09
Afghanistan's Complex Nature of Fighting - 24 Feb 09
New Salafi Group Emerges in Afghanistan - 7 Jan 2010

Afghan Soldier Kills 2 Americans Joins Taliban
Afghan Civilians Stormed Occupation Base

Battle of Laghman 2

Nida al Jihad - The end of aggressors in the land of Afghan - the province of Nuristan

Al-Ansar Media Center & Nida al-Jihad Foundation of Afghanistan
Latest video from Nooristan entitled "Transgressors Punished"

Avi / 206MB / 1hr

Elif Media: Ramadan aid 2009 in Afghanistan


Jundullah Studio presents........
Threek e islami Uzbikistan fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan
(German Mujahideen Battalion)
Download Now - AVI / 239MB / 30min17sec

Nida al-Jihad:
"Help from Allah"
Download Now - MPG / 386MB / 37min01sec

English Subtitles ( Video ) of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan's Release:
"Bloodshed and Revenge"
by Umar Studios
Download Now - WMV / 314MB / 39min09sec

Manba ul-Jihad Presents
Mujahideen Operations in Afghanistan
Download Now - AVI / 250MB / 56min41sec

TORA BORA MAHAZ Present: Military Operations - 2008 - Tora Bora Mahaz of Islami Emirate Afghanistan present:
Military Operations -2008: Istishhadiya, ambushes and other actions
Download Now - WMV / 258MB / 53min28sec

ISLAMI EMIRATE AFGHANISTAN: IN FIGHT, The eighth release, August 2009<--PDF

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.....
Studio Jundullah presents
{Sieg oder Shahada}
{Victory or Shahada}
Download Now - AVI / 206MB / 26min01sec

Jundallah Studio:
"Fadl Al Jihad"
Download Now - AVI / 895MB / 55min

Jamaat Bulgar : Firing rockets on NATO forces
Avi / 22.2MB / 2min34sec

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The Holy Quran Quotes

"… when it is said to them; 'Make not mischief on the Earth', they say; 'We are only peace makers'. Indeed they are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive it not"

(Al-Baqarah 2:11-12)


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