articles, video's and pictures are for informative purposes. Please before
reading have an open mind without predigest and make up your mind afterwards.
Read articles, positions, facts, see video's and pictures of the hard reality
which you will not see or hear on ordinary media outlets.


/ articles / photo's / videos released on these pages are for informational
purposes only, most articles include source. We provide these educational
materials to people who want to know backgrounds on various issues and
wonder what is going on, what the truth is. Most of the information provided
here is not or hardly mentioned in the mainstream media. We hope to give
people a chance to see how the war REALLY is being fought instead of small
edited footages from mainstream media like CNN, BBC, FOX etc which give the
impression that war is a videogame. Now people can see the real brutal war
that’s being fought and start to think and ask questions
and hopefully turn AGAINST the wars and pressure their governments. We try to go in
depth into several conflict zones inflicting the Islamic World. We try to
show the story from both sides. As for example video footage of military
action of Iraqi resistance against the occupiers, but on the other hand we
also put videos of US forces killing
Iraqi's. Video's /
Pictures are welcome from both sides, Iraqi resistance ones, and of American
soldiers who like to share there footages of killing innocent Iraqi's. (All
you have to do is upload your material to one of the numerous uploader
services and send us the link + description). This way we try to represent
the whole story, uncensored.
We hope people now will realise what the wars are all about, it's not
funny and it's not a game! |

Dua of Sheikh Muhammad Al Mohaisany - Masjid Al
Haram - Makkah
Tunisians demand to establish Sharia law and Islamic State
Pakistan Soldiers executing Children in Swat (new)
Is The Ummah Blind
Disturbing Footage! The US Army Does not Want You To See!!
U.S.A soldier tells how he brutally Raped A innocent Muslim girl in
Abu Ghraib!
(alternative link)
Reminder Letter of Fatima + audio message & Abu
Ghuraib Abuse Pictures (some recently added).
Sheikh ibn al-Uthaymeen Ruling on Jihad. What's permitted and what's prohibited
The Victory Of Islam Return Of A Khilafah
To Those who take The Kufar as Protectors and Allies
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen - The Disbelief Of One Who Rules By Other Than Allah's Law
Sheikh Uthaymeen on the Muslim rulers of today
Sheikh Albani Rulings On Fighting Jihad Martyrdom Operations
Video's: |
and Exposings: |
EXPOSING Injustice / Abuse / Terrorism /
Lies and more : |
Exposing the Western Global Terror from the past
till present, showing the true nature and hatred the west has towards
the non Western World. Their past crimes and current crimes, murder,
torture, genocide, all in the name of "civilizing" and "liberating"
Duration: 58:47 - 549MB
The film starts from a pleasant visit
to the prison camp of Guantanamo Bay
and embarks for a journey to Washington, Stockholm, Bucharest then to Abu
Ghraib in Iraq and slowly....a new scary world is revealing itself.
Duration: 49:22 -
154MB (AVI)
No Plan, No Peace
"Iraq will be better,"
declared Tony Blair five days after the fall of Saddam. "Better for the
region, better for the world, better, above all, for the Iraqi people."
That contrasts starkly with the several hundred thousand dead and
injured Iraqis, four million refugees inside and outside Iraq, 4,141
coalition soldiers who have died and the cost to the UK of well in
excess of £5bn.
Duration: 1hr:48min - 251MB
The Road to Guantanamo Bay
The Road to Guantánamo focuses on the Tipton Three, a trio
of British Muslims who were held in Guantanamo Bay for two years until
they were released without charge.
Duration: 1hr:30min - 695MB
Iran Shia Exposed SHIRK
Major un-excusable Shirk
exposed of the Shia cult. A must see. An eye opener.
Duration: 17.5min - 118MB
Iran Shia Exposed Copy from
Christians Jews Hindus
Exposing Shiism
cult, its traditions and behavior compared to Christianity, Judiasm,
Hinduism. Shia Sect/cult created by copying from the other religions.
Duration: 10min - 70MB (AVI)
Iran Shia Exposed Copy from
Christians Jews Hindus
Part 2 -
Exposing Shiism cult, its traditions and behavior compared to
Christianity, Judiasm, Hinduism. Shia Sect/cult created by copying from
the other religions.
Duration: 9min - 63.4MB (AVI)
Stealing a Nation In the 1960s and 70s, British governments, conspiring
with American officials, tricked into leaving, then expelled the entire
population of the Chagos islands in the Indian Ocean. The aim was to
give the principal island of this Crown Colony, Diego Garcia, to the
Americans who wanted it as a major military base. Indeed, from Diego
Garcia US planes have since bombed Afghanistan and Iraq.
55.57min - 120MB (Online)
The Hidden Story
Iraq: The Hidden Story shows the
footage used by TV news broadcasts, and compares it with the
devastatingly powerful uncensored footage of the aftermath of the
carnage that is becoming a part of the fabric of life in Iraq.
48.40min - 126MB (Online)
The F.B.I's
War on Black America
Through a secret program called the
Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), there was a concerted effort
to subvert the will of the people to avoid the rise “of a black Messiah”
that would mobilize the African-American community into a meaningful
political force.
48.01min - 99.1MB (Online)
- Abu Ghraib Torture/Abuse
A small video showing
just a little bit what has/is happening in the notorious Abu Ghraib Prison
operated by the U.S.
Duration: 1min -
Gujarat Massacre Expose
First-hand accounts from the men who plotted and executed the
genocide in Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Sabarkantha. Mayhem was
meticulously planned and carried out by VHP-Bajrang Dal cadres
across Muslim localities.
Duration: 25min - 59.5MB
Putting a price on Afghan Life
America's Arrogance and Insult to Injury has No Limits
Duration: 2.35min - 13.5MB
The Biggest Obstacle for Establishing Khilafah
Current Rulers Scholars
Duration: 2.24min - 3.57MB
U.S. Weapons Caused Deformations on New Borns Iraq
Effects of US dropped Uranium on Children, Causing Horrific Pain
and Death to Even the Very Little Innocent Children.
Duration: 3.51min - 10.3MB
Abnormalities New Born babies, Fallujah Iraq Caused by U.S. Weapons
Effects of US dropped Uranium on Children, Causing Horrific Pain
and Death to Even the Very Little Innocent Children.
Duration: 4.28min - 15MB
The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children
Effects of US dropped Uranium on Children, Causing Horrific Pain
and Death to Even the Very Little Innocent Children.
Duration: 53.02min - 125MB
Arab Media Collaborating With U.S.
Occupiers Caught on Tape
Arab Media's Collaboration with American/Western
Duration: 1.48min - 2.98MB
American invaders army terrorists
burning Muslim
Suddenly the Geneva Convention (rules of war) do
not matter, apparently
only when Americans are captured this convention is shouted of roof
Duration: 3.56min - 15.8MB
Abuse Palestinian Woman
Zionist Terrorist "soldier" Tormenting and Humiliating a
Palestinian Woman.
Duration: 1.17min - 4.02MB
US Soldiers Taunting Children
US Terrorist Soldiers Taunting Children and Committing
dispicable Abuses.
Duration: 4.44min - 10.07MB
A Reality of Tears
Exposing Oppression, Torture!
Duration: 7.34min - 17.4MB
The Evil Scholars and their Master
Ibn Abbass narrated that Rasulullah (SAAWS)
Whoever lives the life of a Bedouin becomes coarse. And whoever occupies
himself with hunting becomes heedless and whoever visits the rulers
falls into fitnah.
Narrated by Abu Dawud, al Tirmithis, al Nasai, and al Bayhaqi and is
Duration: 7.21min - 17.2MB
Traitors and Apostates of the Ummah
Traitors of the Ummah. Tyrants and Apostates
exposed. Slaves and servants of the West can never be legitimate leaders
of Muslims!
Duration: 5.59min - 13.3MB
UAE Royal Family Caught on Tape
Smuggled Video Tape Exposing torture by Allies
of the West, UAE Royal Family, for fun, aided by uniformed UAE police
officer. Case closed by UAE head of Police (brother of torturer).
Duration: 6.47min - 15.3MB
of Abu Ghraib
An examination of the prisoner abuse scandal involving U.S.
soldiers and detainees at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison in the fall of 2003.
Duration: 1hr:18min - 700MB
British Brutality in Iraq
British Terrorist Soldiers Ruthless Beating Children and
Duration: 2min - 4.64MB
War on Islam
This video shows the horrendous riots
which took place in Gujarat March/April 2002 which resulted in the loss
of 5000 muslim lives. Atrocites took place on defenseless men, women and
children. Independent human rights organisations have concluded that
this riot was pre-planned with the support of the State of Gujarat
Government, RSS, Shiv Senna. Also featuring on this video is a preview
of the some the anti Islamic movies that Bollywood is churning out.
Duration: 102:55
- 102MB
Genocide Gujarat & Special Report From Iraq
This extremely educational documentary
investigates the genocide that occured against Muslims in the Indian
state of Gujarat. In this section we learn that the genocide was
instigated and carried out by extremist Hindu nationalists whose primary
aim was to eliminate the Muslim population. Next, "The Truth about
Bollywood" loooks at how its industry seeks to propagate morally corrupt
ideals and anti-Islamic messages. Finally, "Iraq Revisited" asks the
question of whether Iraq is turning out to be another Vietnam for the
USA. Green 72 has unearthed this "film" which shows various attacks
against US forces in the period of May-Sept 2005
Duration: 119:22 -
390MB (RM)
- Abu Ghraib Torture/Abuse
A small video showing
just a little bit what has/is happening in the notorious Abu Ghraib Prison
operated by the U.S.
Duration: 1min -