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IslamicEbooksOnline - Read, Download, Upload Islamic Ebooks and much more.... - War On Hijab
War On Hijab
Remeber: Wearing Hijab never hurted anyone.
Turkey Tunisia The Shameful Conspiracy Against Honourable Women In Tunisia And Turkey (must read)
May Allah swt destroy these despicable oppressive inhuman regimes.
Turkey Hijab Ban in Turkey
Turkish military, the power behind the secular disease which is still living in the times of the dictator Mustafa Pascha (so-called Ata Turk in his dreams) will vanish just like him InshaAllah, waiting them a unimaginable torment fitting there crimes.
Turkey Turkish hospital denies treatment to patient wearing headscarf, resulting death
Turkey Pro-Hijab Protestors Face Death Penalty
Tunisia Tunisia; Secular Savages undressing woman exposed
Tunisia Women’s Hijab Banned: Tunisia Government Crushing Islam
Tunisia Tunesian Security forces have cracked down on Hijab-Clad Fulla dolls
Instead of protecting its people, these so-called security forces are opressing the people, running after dolls. InshaAllah it will not be long before this regime and its criminal gangs & thugs will be hiding behid these same dolls in fear. Justice will be served.
Tunisia Tunisia: President Condemns Muslim Headscarf
Morocco Morocco hijab ban criticised
Morocco Morocco moves to drop headscarf
Tajikistan Tajik government issues hijab ban
Tajikistan is known for its repressive, backward, corrupt, brutal regime.
Kyrgyzstan Muslim girls not permitted to wear hijab to the college in Kirgizia
Kosovo United Nations Kosovo PM Urged to Drop Hijab Ban
French cabinet & people back scarf ban
This is how they repay for the many thousands of men from North-Africa that gave their lives to liberate France during WWII. France did NOT need liberation, they are worse then their former occupiers.
French scarf ban comes into force
Ah, Precious French secularism. Seven of France's 13 legal holidays are Christian holidays! The evil secularist religion has no problem with that ? I wonder why.
France : Muslim fashion parade banned in France
Remember this story when they start ramping on about freedom and European values. If they would have any shame, they would choke in their lies.
French girls expelled over veils
French veil ban prompts Muslims to open separate schools
Belgium Belgian public schools ban Muslim headscarves
Belgium Belgian city Ghent bans hijab
Belgium Head scarf ban for Antwerp city counter clerks raises protests
Belgium Belgian city allows bandanas, keeps headscarf ban
Belgium Hundreds of protestors decry headscarf ban in Belgium school
Belgium Bowing to threats in Belgium, Muslim quits her job
Belgium Headscarf hate mail shocks Belgium
Denmark Denmark rejects headscarf plea, fire woman for wearing hijab
Germany Another German state to curb hijab
Germany German state to ban hijab in kindergarten?
Germany Anti-Hijab Party Wins Elections
Germany Bavaria bans teacher headscarves
Germany German state plans headscarf ban
Spain Muslim Girl Prohibited From Wearing Hijab At Spanish School
Singapore The hijab ban in Singapore
South Africa Fired - Because of head scarf
Australia MP calls for head scarf ban
Australia Schoolgirl punished for Muslim dress
Hijab pulled off woman’s head
One Sentence: Western culture and so-called values
Italy After French law on Muslim headscarves, Italian village bans the burqa
Italy Italian MPs launch headscarf clampdown

Click here to read about the obligation of hijab in Islam, its reasons and benefits and much more !

Click here to read / write / submit / comment Hijab Poems !

They want to exploit and undress pious woman:

"The (Muslim) veil is a totalitarian symbol that can be compared to the symbols we know from the Nazi swastika and from communism," he said.

"Islam is a totalitarian system that corresponds to the totalitarian systems we have had in Europe, and the symbols reflecting Islam and Nazism are one and the same."

Danish People's Party spokesman Soeren Krarup
There Goal & Hatred:

"I think these people [Arabs and Muslims] need to be forcibly converted to Christianity ... It's is the only thing that can probably turn them into human beings" Radio; The Savage Nation, Michael Savage

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity". Ann Coulter

"Islam is a very evil and wicked religion ..." speech NBC Nightly News

This is God's world, not Satan's. Christians are the lawful heirs, not non-Christians. Gary North - Political Polytheism: The Myth of Pluralism

I think Mohammed was a terrorist.  He - I read enough of the history of his life written by both Muslims and – and - non-Muslims, that he was a - a violent man, a man of war.  And I do believe that - Jesus set the example for love, as did Moses.  And I think that Mohammed set an opposite example. Jerry Falwell - 60 Minutes


“And they (polytheists, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger, Muhammad (saw) ) will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic Monotheism) if they can.”
(Al-Baqarah, 2:217)

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations.
Muslims view the hijab (the headscarf) as a symbol of modesty and chastity, where a woman's character is emphasized rather than the externals. It is a religious duty for the believing woman. Women choose to wear it because they believe it has been ordained by Allah. They prefer not to be characterized by their externals or physical beauty, but rather, by spiritual beauty. The hijab represents this.

The Islamic Hijab

Besmillah Arrahman Arrahim
The Most Gracious
The Most Merciful

Allah ordered every Muslim women to put the hijab on as it’s an honor for her, and to protect her dignity and her class and from any temptations. Also the hijab protect the men to fall in his desire’s sins. In Islam every Muslim woman should wear Hijab in front of men, except: 1. the fathers 2. the grandfathers 3 the sons of the brother 4. the sons of the sister 9. the brother of your father 10. the brothers of your mother 11. brothers.

It is haram if you disobey one of the conditions of the hijab infront of men. Some women put the hijab when they are outside their house, but then they take it off in front of some of their relatives such as their cousins, and some them wear tight shirts which make them fall into the haram.

The conditions of the Hijab are:

1. To cover all the body: all the scholars have agreed that. Except the case of the hands and face.
Your feet, arms, neck and over the chess has to be covered as well.

2. It’s not supposed to be colorful and contains accessories.. Quran says: [24.31] And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! so that you may be successful.

3. To be from non-transparent material

4. To be not stretchy and big so it won’t show your body parts.

5. No perfume.

6. To be different than the Men’s clothing or styles

7. it’s not supposed to look like the nun’s clothing, or the people of the book, or even like the world’s models

8. Not to be ostentatious dressing

الحجاب الشرعي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

فرض الله تعالى الحجاب على المرأة المسلمة تكريما لها ، و حفاظا على مكانتها السامية من أن تمس بسوء من الفساق و أشباه الرجال . كما أن الحجاب يمنع من وقوع الرجال في فتنتهن ، و يحفظهن من الأذى المترتب على ذلك . ففي الإسلام يجب على كل امرأة مسلمة أن تلبس الحجاب الشرعي أمام الرجال الأجانب ، و هم جميع الرجال باستثناء المحارم ، و هم : ( 1ـ الآباء 2 ـ الأجداد 3 ـ آباء الأزواج 4 ـ أبناء الأزواج 5 ـ أبنائهن 6 ـ الأخوة 7 ـ أبناء الأخوة 8 ـ أبناء الأخوات 9 ـ الأعمام 10 ـ الأخوال 11 ـ المحارم من الرضاع ) . و تحرم مخالفة شرط من شروط الحجاب الشرعي الثمانية أينما وجد الرجال الأجانب . فبعض النساء يرتدين حجابا شرعيا خارج بيوتهن ، و لكنهن يخالفن بعض هذه الشروط أمام بعض أقاربهن كأبناء أعمامهن ، أو أبناء أخوالهن فيغطين رؤوسهن ، و لكنهن يلبسن لباسا محددا للجسم كالبلوزة مثلا ، فيقعن بذلك في الحرام و الإثم

شروط الحجاب الشرعي
1ـ أن يكون ساترا لجميع العورة : أجمع أئمة المسلمين كلهم ـ لم يشذ عنهم أحد ـ على أن ما عدا الوجه و الكفين من المرأة داخل في وجوب الستر أمام الأجانب . حتى الرجل يجب أن تكون مغطاة دون استثناء
2ـ ألا يكون زينة في نفسه، أو مبهرجا ذا ألوان جذابة تلفت الأنظار، لقوله تعالى:{ و لا يبدين زينتهن إلا ما ظهر منها } [ النور :31 ]
3ـ أن يكون سميكا لا يشف ما تحته من الجسم ، لأن الغرض من الحجاب الستر ، فإن لم يكن ساترا لا يسمى حجابا لأن لا يمنع الرؤية ، و لا يحجب النظر ، لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم فيما رواه مسلم : ( صنفان من أهل النار لم أرهما بعد : نساء كاسيات عاريات مميلات مائلات رؤوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة لا يدخلن الجنة ، و لا يجدن ريحها ، و إن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا و كذا ..)
4ـ أن يكون فضفاضا غير ضيق ولا يجسم العورة ولا يظهر أماكن الفتنة في الجسم
5 ـ ألا يكون الثوب معطرا ،لأن فيه إثارة للرجال، فتعطر المرأة يجعلها في حكم الزانية
6 ـ ألا يكون الثوب فيه تشبه بالرجال ، أو مما يلبسه الرجال
7 ـ ألا تشبه زي الراهبات من أهل الكتاب ، أو زي الكافرات
8 ـ ألا يكون ثوب شهرة

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The Holy Quran Quotes

"… when it is said to them; 'Make not mischief on the Earth', they say; 'We are only peace makers'. Indeed they are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive it not"

(Al-Baqarah 2:11-12)


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