Iraq Pictures - WorldOfIslam.info
Iraq Occupation by Anglo / Zionist Axis
"Reluctant as I
was, she fired four shots close to my head and threatened to kill me if
I resist. Then, four soldiers raped me sadistically and I lost
conscience. Later, she forced me to watch a clip of my raping, saying
bluntly: ‘Your were born to give us pleasure’." |
Pictures of Iraqi
Victims of Anglo / Zionist brutality
Pictures of Iraqi Victims in
Fallujah in 7 days
850 killed more than 1500 wounded
Pictures of Heroic Iraqi Mujahidin /
Resistance fighters
Heart Breaking Pictures of 14 years of
Genocide of Iraqi people by U.S. / U.K. / U.N. |
The Ignored genocide
Following the Gulf War, cancer rates in Iraq have risen as much as 700%
in some areas, and birth deformities have risen by 400%.
UNICEF has reported that from 1990 to 1999, over 500,000 infants and
babies have been killed by the U.S. led sanctions. Many of the young
children die from easily curable diseases (giardiasis, disenterry,
respiratory infections) but Iraq has not been allowed (because of U.S.
objections) to import enough medicines to treat these diseases, nor has
Iraq been allowed to fully repair its water treatment system
(intentionally bombed by the U.S. and its allies during the Gulf War).
(Sofar an estimated 1 million childeren have died because of the Anglo
sanctions against the Iraqi people). |
Regarding the ignored genocide by the U.N. U.S. U.K.
A FAQ on Depleted Uranium (DU)
Genocide in Iraq
children attacked by cancer
Targeting Iraqi Civilians |
following exchange occurred in a "60 Minutes" segment, "Punishing
Saddam" (airdate May 12, 1996): Lesley Stahl (speaking of post-war US
sanctions against Iraq):
"We have
heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more
children than died in Hiroshima. And - and you know, is the price worth
Albright (at that time, US Ambassador to the UN):
"I think this is a very hard choice, but
the price - we think the price is worth it."
Stahl won both an Emmy & duPont-Columbia journalism award for
this segment, within six months Albright was unanimously approved by the
U.S. Senate as Secretary of State. .
Holy Quran Quotes
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“Incline not unto those who do wrong, or the fires of Hell will touch you. You have no protector save Allah, and you will not be helped”
(Huud, 11:113)