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At-Tibyān Publications <> Wā Islāmāh! <> By Shaykh Abdul-Majīd Al-Munī’

The Media Department of

At-TibyÄÂn Publications presents

“Wā Islāmāh!” [1]

VIDEO: (312mb / 53min 43sec / divx)

Translation of an Audio Khutbah

By Shaykh Abdul-Majīd Al-Munī’ (may Allāh have mercy on him)

[originally released by Sawt Al-Jihād]

"Do you fear them? Allah has more right that you should fear Him if you are believers. Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people. And remove the anger of their (believers') hearts. Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise." [Quran 9:13-1]

At-Tibyan Presents: Shaykh Abdul-Majid Al Muni - Wa Islamah!

About the Shaykh

Shaykh ‘Abdul-Majîd ibn Muhammed Al-Munî’ (may Allâh have mercy on him) was born and raised in the land known for its Islamic knowledge and its many Shuyûkh; the blessed land of Najd in the Arabian Peninsula. He graduated from Imâm Muhammad ibn Sa’ûd Islâmic University in Riyadh in the year 1423 H. His fellow students mentioned about him that he used to not mix with them very much. After graduating, he was nominated for judgeship, but declined. Not long after graduating, it is mentioned that news of him was cut off. He was then listed by the government ruling over the Arabian Peninsula to be one of their 25 Wanted “Terrorists”.On the 23rd of Sha’bân 1425 H. corresponding to the 5th of October 2004 H. the security forces surrounded a house in the Nahdah District in the city of Riyâdh. The house belonged to ‘Isâm Al-’Utaybi one of the known Mujâhidîn. With him in the house were a group of brothers whom he had invited, among them was Shaykh Abdul-Majîd Al-Munî’. When the brothers knew they were surrounded, brother ‘Isâm hurried to evacuate the women and children in the house and get them to safety. Then commenced a fiery battle which later became known as the Nahdah District Battle. By the Will of Allâh the Mujâhidîn were able to break through the siege and get to a place of safety. However Shaykh Abdul-Majîd, brother ‘Isâm and another Mujâhid were martyred in the process. May Allâh have mercy on them and accept them as martyrs.

This Khutbah was released by Sawt Al-Jihâd, the media department of Al-Qâ’idah in the Arabian Peninsula. They also published a book by the Shaykh under the name “The ‘Aqîdah of the Victorious Party”.


[1] Note: “Wā Islāmāh” literally means “O Islām“, but “Wā” is different than “Yā“, in that it is used metaphorically, while only some said it can be used literally. It can also be for finding something unbelievable or strange.


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