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    Jews and Freemasons are Controlling Turkey's Army

    What can we expect from secret Jews who are controlling Turkish Army? Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a secret Jew, whose ancestors were given shelter by Osmani (Uthmani) Caliph after Spanish inquisition. And those secret Jews gave the price to World Muslims by destroying the Caliphate after Sultan Abdulhameed II refused to allow Jewish State in Palestine.

    Caliphate is a must for this world as there will be no restriction of passport and visa, where no people can be a hostage within a small border, where a few families will become owner of billion of dollars wealth, where rule of law will be imposed by those few families for their personal benefit. So the World must know how human rights of billions of people violated by the treacherous way when 1300 years old Caliphate was abolished in 1924. We all know about the role played by Lawrence of Arabia; but many of us were ignorant about the following: "the new Secular State in the Near East (Republic of Turkey) which was founded by Doenmehs (secret Jews of Turkey) and Freemasons, have been suppressing Islam and oppressing Muslims ever since its establishment."

    But why did dictator Mustafa Kemal abolish the Caliphate, which was the political System of majority people of Turkey? Because Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a secret Jew and the greatest enemy of Islam, as he abolished the Caliphate and massacred the Muslims in Turkey. Along with Western powers and Jews there were many secret Jews who were conspiring against the Khilafah. Freemason Mustafa Kemal was one of them.

    Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal was a Doenmeh (secret Jew). He and his followers achieved the objective of not the Muslims but of the Western Powers and the Zionist Jews. The Jews and Freemasons gradually took over the control of the Ottoman State by pretending to be Muslims but secretly practicing their real religion. Dictator Mustafa Kemal was not a Turk, let alone 'Father of the Turks'. He was a Freemason Jew who, until the Jews took over the control of Turkey, pretended like a Muslim, and then pretended to be a Turkish nationalist(!).

    The following is from "The Literary Digest" which is published in USA, from the October 14, 1922 issue, page 50:

    A Spanish Jew by ancestry, an orthodox Moslem by birth and breeding, trained in a German war college, a patriot, a student of the campaigns of the world's great generals, including Napoleon, Grant and Lee - these are said to be a few outstanding characteristics in the personality of the new "Man on Horseback" who has appeared in the Near East. He is a real dictator, the correspondents testify, a man of the type which is at once the hope and fear of nations torn to pieces by unsuccessful wars. Unity and power have come back to Turkey largely through the will of Mustafa Kemal Pasha.

    ...... There was the pasha himself, tall, still young, good-looking, narrow-hipped, wide-shouldered, with gray, rather sad eyes that spoke eloquently of his Spanish-Jewish ancestry - for Kemal, like Enver Pasha, tho an orthodox Moslem, is descended from those Spanish-Jewish families that, given by Christianity the tolerant choice between death, conversion and exile, found asylum and happiness in the Sultan's domains - and with strong, high-veined hands, broad and flat across the wrist - the hands of an artist, a dreamer, yet, too, those of a doer, a man who knows how to clout his dreams into facts.

    Here is a quotation from Joachim Prinz's book "The Secret Jews", page 122:

    (You can read more from the book Here.)

    (We did not make the story nor any member of World Muslims. From the same book written by a Jew, the World can know how Jews lived under Caliphate, Spain to India and Yemen to Bosnia and how Jews were placed in high post. But what we know now is that the World Muslims who protected the Jews after inquisition by European Christians; were fooled and by the same Jews Caliphate were abolished.)

    This was the origin of the most important group, numerically and historically, of Islamic Marranos. The faithful Mohammedans call these hidden Jews "doenmehs", the renegades. ..... Over the years the "doenmeh" movement became firmly established in Asia Minor. In the nineteenth century the sect was estimated to have twenty thousand members. Salonika remained its main seat until that city became Greek in 1913.

    The revolt of the Young Turks in 1908 against the authoritarian regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid began among the intellectuals of Salonika. It was from there that the demand for a constitutional regime originated. Among the leaders of the revolution which resulted in a more modern government in Turkey were Djavid Bey and Mustafa Kemal. Both were ardent "doenmehs". Djavid Bey became minister of finance; Mustafa Kemal became the leader of the new regime and he adopted the name of 'Ataturk'. His opponents tried to use his "doenmeh" background to unseat him, but without success. Too many of the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had as their real prophet Shabtai Zvi, the Messiah of Smyrna.

    Freemason Dictator Mustafa Kemal's ancestors, who came from Spain after the Spanish Inquisition, were given shelter under the Caliphate in Ottoman lands. You can get the above book - "The Secret Jews, by Joachim Prinz, 1973", from most of the Public Libraries in USA and other western countries.


    Aubrey Ross: The messiah really will suffer. Guy Raivitz

    Last update - 02:28 28/06/2002

    In search of followers of the false messiah

    By Orly Halpern

    Aubrey Ross is an unusual man with an unusual pastime. He's looking for Jewish Muslims. In Turkey. With the help of the Internet. And he's convinced he has found some.

    In a book entitled "The Messiah of Turkey," due to be published this winter by Frank Cass Publishers in Great Britain, Ross reveals that there are a number of key figures in the present government of Turkey who are Sabbateans - i.e., followers of Shabbtai Tzvi, a Jew who, in the 17th century, claimed he was the messiah, God of Israel, and later converted to Islam.

    Ross, an Orthodox Jew from London who has lectured on mysticism at Hebrew University in Jerusalem - but has university degrees in economics and the history of political thought, and is an adviser on pensions at the National Health Service in Great Britain - became intrigued by the subject when he was reading the chapter about false messiahs in Gershom Scholem's "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism."

    "I was fascinated by a short sentence that said `many of them were still around in 1970,'" he says.

    Shabbtai Zvi was born in Izmir, Turkey in 1625 and became a Muslim in the 1660s, Ross explains, when he was challenged by the sultan of Turkey for declaring that his mission as messiah was to take back the land of Israel, then under Ottoman rule. The sultan offered him three alternatives: make a miracle and become the true messiah of the Jews; be killed; or become a Muslim. Shabbtai Tzvi chose the latter.

    "Shabbtai Tzvi embraced Islam," he says, "and that would be the end of the story, but he claimed that his embrace was different than Jesus' crucifixion: He was entering the `dark world' to bring life into it. His followers called this the `sacredness of sin' and quoted Isaiah 53: `The messiah will suffer.'"

    Adds Ross: "Anyway, most people say the messiah will suffer - leading the Jewish people is not easy!"

    After Shabbtai Tzvi's death, he relates, his family and followers moved to Salonika. When Greece took it over in 1924, descendants of that community returned to Turkey.

    Underground kabbalist colleges

    "I wasn't satisfied with the sentence about many of them being around in 1970," Ross says. "I went to a lady professor of kabbala in London who insisted (the Sabbateans) were a 17th-century phenomenon that faded away in the early part of the 20th century. I said I don't think they did. Then a friend introduced me to Naim Tucsin, a Turkish Muslim professor of politics at London University, who told me he would contact an editor of an Istanbul newspaper who is a Jew and ask him about it. Six months later, I got a phone call from the editor, saying `come to Istanbul.'"

    He traveled to Istanbul and stayed at the Pier Palace Hotel. One day, Ross "was taken to the office of a Muslim gentleman. I sat down, was given coffee and he asked me, `What do you know about `tiferet' (glory)?' The significance of the term represents an entire kabbalistic structure in which tiferet is the God of Israel."

    Ross, who is also warden of Hendon United Synagogue, one of the largest in London, decided four years ago to write a book about his discoveries. He began learning Turkish and traveled twice to Turkey: "I penetrated the Sabbatean structure. I met with the president of the Sabbatean community. They were at the point of showing me one of their secret synagogues, but got scared."

    He explains that "the Sabbateans believe that God is the creator of the world, but has underneath his authority the God of Israel. I discovered there are 50 `ogans' - spiritual leaders - of the Sabbatean movement. They have trained in 12 kabbalistic colleges in Turkey, which are underground. They are experts in the Zohar, in `Sefer Bahir' and `Sefer Yetsira,' prominent kabbalistic works which are accepted and respected by Orthodox Jews, but not revered (to the same extent). They also know the Five Books of Moses, the Prophets and other writings, but very little or no Talmud as this had been transcended by Shabbtai Tzvi."

    According to Ross, the secretive Sabbatean community, with an estimated 20,000 members, is known to security forces in Turkey, but not to the general public. Most of them live in Istanbul in large blocks of luxury flats in the Shishli Jewish quarter - unbeknownst to their neighbors.

    "It's like a well-known secret. But the Sabbateans don't want to be exposed. I have been asked by four members of the community not to publish my book. They fear reactions from extreme Islamic elements."

    To help substantiate his claims, Ross brought to Israel one of the members of the community who was willing to "come out of the closet" in order to be converted formally by rabbis: "Ilgaz Zorlu is his name. But the rabbis (in Israel) said he can't be converted because he doesn't accept all of the Talmudic law. They accepted that he knows more kabbala than they do. He prays; he practices Conservative Judaism. But, he's not bothered about Talmud so they said he had to do a nine-month conversion."

    Meanwhile, Zorlu, a young accountant from Istanbul, has written his own book, which is mostly historical in nature. Entitled "Yes, I am a Salonikan," it has been printed six times.

    Ross believes that there are a number of secret Sabbateans who hold key positions of influence in the Turkish parliament, legislature and executive branches of government, including the foreign minister himself. This, he observes, may help explain the close relations that exist today between Israel and Turkey.


    ..the tremendous influence that Masonic Lodges have on the Turkish military, which has led to their brutal crackdown on anything Islamic, is ignored. Many questions relating to their actual power and their position in the modern world are left unanswered. (Source)

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    (Al-Baqarah 2:11-12)


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