Invisible Empire: America's Unseen Atrocity In Somalia
is a third major military front in the "War on Terror": Somalia, where the Bush
Administration and its proxies have spawned yet another living hell of chaos,
corruption, mass death and displacement – while greatly exacerbating the very
extremism and terrorism that the invasion was ostensibly designed to quell.
Yet despite the fact that George W. Bush and his henchman, Ethiopian dictator
Meles Zenawi, have created what many experts call the greatest humanitarian
disaster on Earth in Somalia, their "regime change" invasion remains almost
completely unknown to the American public, and virtually invisible in the
American corporate media. Though some independent media have been writing about
it, – particularly African websites -- tracking various strands of Somalia's
agonizing descent. Now the Independent's Steve Bloomfield has put together the
best overview I've yet seen of where Somalia stands today – neck-deep in blood
and suffering – and how it got there:
Somalia: The World's Forgotten
Bloomfield covers all the bases, especially the elements of American involvement
that have been ignored, downplayed or distorted by the Homeland press: the U.S.
bomb attacks on refugees and shepherds; the "renditions" of fleeing refugees –
including American citizens – to Ethiopia's torture-heavy dungeons; the use of
American death squads sent in after bombing raids with orders to "kill
anyone left alive;" the CIA bagmen paying off warlords (including some
with American blood on their hands) and crimelords to do Bush's bidding; and, as
always, the destruction of political and religious moderates, leaving a void to
be filled by co-opted cronies and tools at one end, and unbridled extremists at
the other.
(That last element is noteworthy feature of all of the "regime change"
operations, and of the Terror War in general. Each one has radicalized vast
swathes of the populations under attack, while driving out moderates,
technocrats, professionals: anyone who cannot easily be bought or manipulated –
or provoked into some violent action that will "justify" American domination.
Indeed, this profitable and politically expedient exacerbation of terror and
extremism is such a deep-rooted characteristic of the "regime change" wars that
it would take a mighty act of will to believe that it is not deliberate.)
Bloomfield is also excellent on the history leading up to American-Ethiopian
invasion, going all the way back to the "Black Hawk Down" days -- the fruit of
another incursion by a president named George Bush, which resulted not only in
the famous death and despoiling of 18 Americans, but also the almost-never
mentioned slaughter of hundreds of Somalis by the trigger-happy humanitarian
interventionists. But it is in the complex twists and turns of recent history
that Bloomfield really shines, making lucid what is usually left in vague murk.
And he frames the story with portraits of its most important element: the
individual human beings whose lives have been crippled or destroyed by the
profiteers and power-gamers of the Terror War.
Anyone with even the slightest interest in discerning the reality of the Terror
War imperium should read Bloomfield's entire piece post-haste. You will
certainly never read anything like it in the American press – and it goes
without saying that not a whisper of this American-fueled slaughter will ever
surface in the presidential race, where "progressives" and "conservatives" alike
are united in their fealty to the Terror War. You will do yourself a disservice
if you don't read the whole thing. |