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Tunisians demand to establish Sharia law and Islamic State

This is a protest/rally by Muslims in Tunisia during the recent public revolt against President Ben Ali.

The protesters call for the oppressive Western-backed rulers in Tunisia and the broader Muslim World to be removed and replaced with a sincere Muslim leader who rules by Islam.

Rough translation of some of the chants, speech parts:

1. Accounting Ben Ali in particular and the Arab rulers in general for their oppression, silence over Israel, and service of America.

2. Chant: "No recourse, no recourse! Khilafah is the only solution!"

3. Before the march begins the speaker reminds the people that Rasulullah (s) instructed us to not cut trees and that the property of Muslims is inviolable.

4. The placards at the front of the march read: "No to democracy, no to capitalism, yes to the Islamic Khilafah."

5. Whilst marching they chant, "With our souls, with our blood, we shall sacrifices ourselves for you O Islam!" and "Khilafah! Khilafah! Khilafah!"

6. Standing in front of soldiers (of the Tunisian army it seems) they address "the Muslim armies" asking them "Where are you in Palestine?, Where are you in Iraq?" "Remove the chains of the rulers from your necks, and fulfill your duties!" "O Muslim armies, we are ready to be with you, with our blood, our souls, and our sons! Remove these oppressive regimes and support the appointment of one leader for all the Muslims!"

Tunisians demand to establish Sharia law and Islamic State

17 January 2011

For the first time in the last 23 years, Muslim youth read prayers in the street of Tunisian city.

This became possible after the overthrown of the Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Earlier, the Zionist Minister of Regional Development Silvan Shalom expressed his concern about the overthrow of the dictator of Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, because "this step will facilitate the activities of Islamist movements in the country".

A Zionist ringleader Shalom, a former native of Tunisia's Jewish community, acknowledged that the West had a blind eye on human rights violations by the regime of Ben Ali.

"Now, after the fall of this regime, there are fears that Islamist movements that have been outlawed, not only comes back, but also seizes power", the Zionist rascal lamented.

It is to be pointed out in this connection that during the riots in Tunisia police arrested a number of armed foreigners, including one with German passports, who were suspected of organizing attacks and shootings.

It is to be recalled that the Zionists often use fake passports of other countries sending terrorist groups to commit murders and terrorist attacks.

Meanwhile, the people of Tunisia are not satisfied with the result of the coup against the country's government and call for radical changes in politics.

On January 15, Tunisians organized a march demanding the release of political prisoners from the prisons of the dictator. Peaceful demonstration was also supported by the Tunisian military and police.

The rally, which attracted thousands of people, openly called to establish an Islamic state and Sharia Law, and to ensure the consolidation of Muslim nations.

In addition, the demonstrators demanded a report from the rulers for their relationship with America and so an illegal entity called "Israel".

Protesting Tunisians chanted: "No recourse, no recourse! Islam is the only solution!", "With our souls, with our blood, we shall sacrifices ourselves for you, oh Islam!".

Standing in front of soldiers of the Tunisian army, they addressed to them: "Where are you in Palestine?, Where are you in Iraq?" "Remove the chains of the rulers from your necks, and fulfill your duties!" "Oh Muslim armies, we are ready to be with you, with our blood, our souls, and our sons! Overthrow these oppressive regimes!". The demonstration took place without violence and bloodshed.



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“Never think of those slain in the way of God to be dead; rather they are alive and are provided in the Presence of their Lord.”

(Al ‘Imran, 3:169)


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