The Jund Ansar Allah

was Abu Noor al-Maqdisi?
Arabic Text + Video:
Masjid Ibn Taymiya: Sheikh Abu Noor Al Maqdisi R.A Praying For the Islamic
State Of Iraq and Sheikh Osama Binladen (Ramdan 27 1429)
Arabic Nasheed:
Jawaad Al Fair Media Presents: Video Nasheed In Support Of Jund Ansar`Allah
English + Arabic: The Jund Ansar Allah : Statement
regarding Hamas Massacre

Sheikh Abu
Muhammed al-Maqdisi: An Excellent Refutation of the Statement of Al-Astal the
Mufti of HAMAS

Sheikh Abu
Muhammed al-Maqdisi: An Excellent Refutation of the Statement of Al-Astal the
Mufti of HAMAS

English & Arabic:
Dar Al Murabiteen
Publications-English Translation - Qaida al-Jihad (General Command):
Clarification from Sheikh Mustafa
Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
on the Recent Events between HAMAS and Jund Ansar Allah

Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
on the Recent Events between HAMAS and Jund Ansar Allah

Jund Ansar Allah:
Declaration of the Islamic Emirate of Bait al-Maqdis
>>> Read English TXT Statement Click Here <<<
Below for Arabic Video 133mb / avi
/ 35min 04sec

Arabic: Jund Ansar Allah Presents
"Golden Advice to Government of Ismail Haniya" By Injured Leader of Emarat
Islami Baital Maqdas Abu Ma'aaz & His deputy Abu Khalid
Right click
and save as - 60mb / rmvb / 18min 33sec

Video of the
Massacre at the Ibn Taymiyah Mosque (when HAMAS killed brothers of Jund
Ansar Allah)
Right click
and save as - 124mb / avi / 12min 20sec
Arabic Video:
Army of Nineteen: Eulogy
for Martyrs Sheikh Abu Noor al-Maqdisi and his companions
96.4mb / avi / 18min 31 sec

Arabic Video:
Dedicated to the Martyrs of Jund Ansar Allah
حمل الأن فيديو الشهيد المجاهد الصائم محمد الأخرس الشهيد الأول
فى جند أنصار الله
الشهيد الصائم محمد الاخرس
7.8mb / flv / 2min 47

Jund Ansar Allah: The
Expedition of al-Balaagh in Gazza
156mb / rmvb / 31min 28

Arabic Video:
Jund Ansar
Allah (Jannah Media): Knights Of The Expedition of al-Balaagh
71.9mb / rmvb / 17min 10 sec