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 - Truth about Gaza War / Assualt

    Israel Attacks Gaza UN the Al-Fakhura School, Kills 40

    7, Jan, 2009,  

    Gaza: There are confirmed reports that Israel has targeted a UN run School in Gaza city killing at least 40 among those a majority of them children. The school took a direct hit and according to media reports the strike caused a large explosion which resulted in shrapnel sparying on to people inside and outside the school premises.

    The Al-Fakhura school is located in the Jabaliya refugee camp and at the time of direct hit a large number of Palestinians have take refuge in the school to escape heavy fighting between Hamas and Israeli ground forces.

    Al-Fakhura school is amongst a number of UN run institutions providing shelter to an estimated 14,000 Palestinians who have taken refuge. This is the second such incident where Israel has targeted UN premises in Gaza. In an earlier incident Israeli fighter jets bombed a UN run school in the Bureij refugee camp resulting in many casualties.

    Arab television footage has shown bodies scattered on the floor amid pools of blood. The casualties were taken to two hospital in Gaza, Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya district where 30 people were declared dead and at Al-Shifa Hospital in the heart of Gaza City where 10 people have died so far. The Palestinian medical sources expect the casualties to rise further.

    The Head of UNRWA in Gaza has described the situation in Gaza as "Horrific" and has appealed to the international community for urgent medical relief including blood which is in short supply. The agency has also said that there is severe shortage of clean drinking water and fear of spread of cholera and other diseases as the only sewage pumping station in Gaza is running short on fuel.

    This terrible incident has happened despite the fact that UNRWA has provided Israel with the GPS Coordinates of all its premises in Gaza including schools and relief shelters. In addition the UN insignia as well as UN flag is there on all UN run premises in Gaza.

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    “And they (polytheists, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger, Muhammad (saw) ) will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion (Islamic Monotheism) if they can.”

    (Al-Baqarah, 2:217)


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