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    The Caucasian Emirate -
    Omra of Amir Abu-Usman: 'To establish an Islamic State – The Caucasus Emirate'

    Publication time: 10 December 2007

    The press service of the head of the Caucasus Emirate Amir Abu-Usman (Dokka Umarov) handed over to Kavkaz Center news agency the first governmental legal acts which have been issued by the leader of the Islamic State. According to the documents signed by the Amir Abu-Usman on esablishment of the Islamic State, its official name - Caucasus Emirate - has been been approved and the Shariah rule has been imposed throughout it's territory.

    OMRA (Decree) №1

    "On establishment of the Caucasus Emirate"

    In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

    Realizing the responsibility before the Creator and the Lord of the Worlds

    Fulfilling Allah's prescriptions (s.w.), "And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves" (Holy Qur'an, 3/103)

    In order to restore Shariah legitimacy of the State before the Almighty Allah (s.w.), to protect life, liberty, honor, dignity of the Muslims and to return for Caucasus a status Dar-us-salam (the territories of peace)

    I decree:

    1. To establish an Islamic State - The Caucasus Emirate.

    2. I reserve the control over implementation of this Omra.

    3. The Omra comes into force since the moment of signing.

    Amir of Caucasus Emirate,
    Abu-Usman (Dokka Umarov)

    Ramadan 29, 1428

    OMRA №2

    "On the imposition of the Shariah Rule on the territories of the Caucasus Emirate"

    In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!

    Realizing the responsibility before the Creator and the Lord of the Worlds

    I approve La ilaha illallah (There is no god only Allah)

    Based on the prescriptions of Almighty Allah (s.w.), "If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) Unbelievers" (Holy Qur'an, 5/44)

    I decree:

    1. To impose Shariah governance on whole territory of the Caucasus Emirate.

    2. Adjust in accordance with requirements of the Shariah all governmental bodies of the Caucasus Emirate as well as their activities.

    3. I reserve the control over implementation of this Omra.

    4. The Omra comes into force since the moment of signing.

    Amir of Caucasus Emirate,
    Abu-Usman (Dokka Umarov)

    Ramadan 29, 1428

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    (Muhammad, 47:35)


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